Tracie Bolger


Clinic Director

Tracie qualified as a Chartered Physiotherapist with honours from the Royal London Hospital in 1992. She worked for several years in the NHS specialising in musculoskeletal medicine, before moving into the private sector. She set up Riverside Physiotherapy in 2000. The clinic has continued to flourish providing a professional and respected service to members and non-members of The Riverside Club, Northwood.

Her particular interests lie in treating persistent pain disorders, including spinal dysfunction and sports related injuries. She has completed numerous post graduate courses including; Advanced Shoulder Rehabilitation, Sports Injuries, Advanced Spinal Rehabilitation, Manipulation, Biomechanics, Core Stability Training and Clinical Pilates.  She also practices Acupuncture for musculoskeletal conditions. She recently completed her Masters in Sports & Exercise Medicine.

She is a qualified JEMS practitioner, a qualified instructor in Modified Pilates for Physiotherapists and a member of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine. She has close links with some of the top Orthopaedic and Pain Consultants in London. Her goal is to continue to provide a clinic of excellence to the local community.

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