Sports Injuries

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Whether you are an Olympic medallist or a weekend warrior, our specialist sports physiotherapists can help you optimise your sports performance or recover from injury. 

Our experienced physiotherapists are experts in assessing and treating sports injuries. They help patients maintain, develop and restore movement and functional ability, by giving treatment and advice to ensure:  

  • Prevention: A detailed understanding of your sport and your medical history enables your physio to design strategies to reduce the risk of sustaining injury 

  • Restoration/ Recovery: Clinical evaluation, diagnosis and a detailed treatment plan are completed according to your individual athletic goals

  • Enhancement of Performance: Individualised exercise programs are developed to enhance your physical capacity

  • Advisory Capacity: Your physiotherapist can work with your coach if required.

Our sports physiotherapists have been involved in the care of both elite and amateur level athletes and are well equipped to deal with your sports related injury. They have extensive formal training and expertise in sports medicine and are uniquely positioned to offer the highest possible care and assistance to athletes and physically active people.

If you would like to book an appointment, please call 01923 828 417.

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P.O.L.I.C.E - First aid for strains and sprains:

  • Protect – Stop Activity

  • Optimal Loading – Gentle movement of the injured area

  • Ice – As soon as possible until swelling subsides (up to 20 mins)

  • Compression – with bandage or tubigrip

  • Elevation – injury above level of heart

Physiotherapy can help to promote effective healing. Seek medical advice if the condition is serious, or the pain is severe.